By Evan Eum

This is my webpage for GITA 1. We
are studying C# and this is my webpage that shows all of my projects
that I have worked on in the previous year. It's my first year of learning computer
science and I at first found it difficult to learn. As the year progressed, I found joy in
doing these projects and hope to continue to code in the future.

About Page

In this project, we learned the basic functions of C# with different labels and buttons as well as the different fonts and colors. We created an imaginary company and created a page to sell our products.

Mailing Label


In this project, we learned the functions of a textbox and rewriting the text inside onto a different label.We told the user to write in some information and the program will insert into a mailing label.

Car Rental


In this project we created a simple calculator that takes in multiple inputs an celculates the amount of money someone needs to pay for a car. I copied the mailing label to see the info for the person that rented out the car.



In this project we created a simple calculator that takes in the height and weight of the user to calculate their BMI (Body Mass Index).It tells the user their weight status and gives a balanced diet for their body type.

Car Rental Upgrade


In this project we upgraded the original Car Rental Upgrade. We learned the functions of checkboxes, radioboxes, and groupboxes.

Triangle Checker


In this project I created a calculator where it takes in the sides of a triangle and tells the user what kind of triangle it is.

Craps Game


In this project I replicated the famous casino game, the Craps Game. It uses imaginary money to let you play and gamble.

Slot Machine


In this project I replicated the famous casino game, the Slot Machine. It uses imaginary money to let you play and gamble. It had random slots that are shown in pictureboxes.